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Lets Talk About Love
Recently there were Siamese twins born joined at the heart. As the parents of there new children sat waiting for some miracle to save their children. These two little girls were hospitalized for 3 months before they were allowed to go home. They went under some massive heart surgary with a 20% chance of either one servial this is because the parents had no other choices their children wouldnt beable to live a normal happy life because they would be joined at the heart they wanted the best for their girls. They undertook the surgary only 17 hours to complete with care. The parents waited and waited and waited in fear and hope for their new born daughters. The doctors finally came out of the suragery and annocced "its a miracle" these two little girls lived through the heart transplant. Its an amazing story. These two Children are alive an healthy today they are about to celebrate their 1st birthday!! The parents named them Aasta which means love and A'shia which means she who lived to love. Congraulations to the Hung family!Honestly Lets talk about love!!!!!
awwww thats adorable and wonderful. I am so glad to hear that they lived and are now celebrating their 1'st birthday. Thats so sweet.
It's amazing what we can do in 2007.
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