Last night i was in the computer room and my mom had the news on and i over heard some of the content that was going on, i got up and went into the living room and sat down in shock....at Vergina tech University a young man age 25 went to the university and murder 33 people including himself...why would someone do something so horrific to student who have their whole lifes ahead of them. There have been rumors at my school (the next day) that the man that murder all these inoccent people "only really wanted to kill his exgirlfriend but other people got in the way of him" another person said "he did it because he hated his teachers and his classmates" i really disagree with all of them i think it was a hate crime..when i was watching this it made me sick to my stomic for all the families and friends who have just lost loved once...honestly, it just makes us think are we really save? even coming to lil ol' ESS we have voilence too...could it get which could get out of hand like this..? I dunno this is sicking to me....is there suck thing as peace?
Yeah I think the whole Virgina tech thing was really upsetting...especially considering that they were all young people just trying to get an education. could you imagine your kid going away to college at last, only to get killed?? its terrible. But I do think youre being a little bit pessimistic. of course theirs such a thing as peace, people just need to work to spread peace more than hate.
I find it very easy to be pessimistic after watching the news on any given day, and even more so this week. Now this was a huge tragedy, and of course it needs to be reported on, but the news is absolutely full of tragedy. This was a terrible week, and one that I think hits a cord with us as people who spend their entire day in a school.
P.J. I also wrote a post about the shooting - and specifically how the media has dealt with it. I'd like to know what you think.
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