I recently watched the movie "Material Girls" staring Hilary and Haylie Duff when babysitting an eight year old girl. The movie was about two sisters that are the daughters of a rich cosmetic inventor that are extremly rich and perfect. When their fathers cosmetic's get a bad reputaion and they end up going bankrupt, yet these two girls still find away to look their best and get everything they want.
When I was watching this movie it puts and unrealistic image in younger girls minds. Telling them to act a certian way (which was very dumb) and implying that if you are beautiful everything will get handed too you just they way you want it. After finishing this movie the young eight year old I was babysitting asked me to do her make up and hair just like Ava Marcetta "Haylie Duff." When she said that it got me thinking about how movies like this make average girls get imperfect images of how an adolecent girl to look and act. To me this movie was pointless and disapointing to girls that strive to get good grade to get into a good university. I feel that this movie tries to seperate the perfect from the imperfect.
I didn't like this movie at all. I thought it gave "rich" girls a bad reputation. There is a part in it when they are disguisted by regular people on a bus. They didn't really portray their behaviour in a bad way,which I find annoying. They should have made it more clear that the way that they act is WRONG.
I totally think that movies like this make younger girls feel bad about themselves and their lives because they don't look like the stars in the movie and they don't have the same life as the stars in the movie. they should make movies that make people feel good about themselves
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