Friday, June 15, 2007

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Paris Hitlon..dont drop the soap!


Movie Review:
The director nevertheless offers a discussion thread in order to avoid totally losing the audience. Memento is cut into sequences which when completed, return to the preceding sequence. Two recurring characters played by Carrie-Anne Moss and Joe Pantolion. He only has memory of his life up to the time his wife was attacked and killed and cannot create any new memories. Not having any memory of the day before, he thus bases his actions on Polaroids and tattoos on his body, which serve as his memory. But can he really trust his own notes and his subsequent interpretation of them? Memento is an innovative film, a successful exercise of style that disrupts the laws of narrative. With conventional treatment, the full-length film even manages to offer some shocking and unexpected twists that call everything back into question. It is obvious that such a film is not addressed to everyone, considering its complexity. Incessant popcorn eaters . Also is the real pleasure the director takes in the manipulation of his main character and the audience, some touches of irony and self-derision taking advantage of the situation. The unpredictable nature of film, the actors are lucky to be able to act in different registers according to the evolution of the story. Pearce is excellent, skillfully passing between confusion and calculated coldness. He carries film on his shoulders while Carrie-Anne Moss is also convincing in the various layers of her role.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Summer Love
There is this new perfume out called "Summer Love" and it honestly is my favorite ever! Its perfect, you know girls when you want to smell sweet and it lasts all day long your never worried plus its soo unique so different for any other kind os perfume you own! i really like it although its a little pricie..im trying to get my mom to buy it for me for my birthday but its soo great i think its worth the money..even though i have none, lets be honest i work at Mcdonalds...like i ever have any money haha. Anways in Ella Canada they call this perfume "off the wall different" (hens the picture) Yeah its the new summer love purfume its awesome!!
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